San Jose Heat Pump Water Heaters

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San Jose Heat Pump Water Heaters

Talk To A Water Heater Expert 24/7 At

(408) 279-8899

Looking for a new way to save energy and money in San Jose?  

If so, a heat pump water heater is a great way to boost energy efficiency, lessen your carbon footprint, and help save you and your household money!

Heat Pump Water Heater? What’s That?

Heat pump water heaters are the newest style of water heaters on the market. They look very similar to the older water heaters that you know and love, they just happen to be larger and don’t generate their own heat. Yes, They use the standing air in the room to heat the water. This is why they are able to save homes in San Jose so much money.

How Do Heat Pump Water Heaters Work?

Heat pump water heaters function by utilizing electricity, to convert ambient air into hot water. The process begins with a fan drawing in room air, which then passes across evaporator coils. As the warm air interacts with the coils, it heats the refrigerant. Subsequently, the heated liquid undergoes compression, further elevating the temperature of the refrigerant. Now properly heated, the refrigerant circulates within its closed loop, transferring its warmth to the water in the tank. Once the water reaches the desired temperature, the refrigerant naturally cools. To maintain the water temperature, the fans kick in again, pulling in more warm air to continue the cycle.

Why Choose To Install A Heat Pump Water Heater?

Lower Energy Bills- Because these electric water heaters do not generate their own heat, they are able to conserve energy thus saving you money each month on your San Jose energy bill

Earth Friendly- Another plus side to these energy saving water heaters is that they will use less of the fossil fuels that are used to power our grid which will minimize our overall carbon footprint.

Long Life Span- Not only will these water heaters conserve energy, but because they have a long life span of about 20 years, these water heaters will lengthen the gap between water heater replacements.

Heat Pump Water Heater Drawbacks. 

Initial Costs- The upfront cost of heat pump water heaters may seem a bit steep compared to a traditional tank style water heater. However, this is because these water heaters are on the cutting edge of water heater technology and are more costly to produce. The good news is that when you decide to purchase and have a heat pump water heater installed in your San Jose home; you can qualify for some of the many rebates that are available in your area! 

Space Requirements- Heat pump water heaters are considerably larger than your current water heater, and will require much more space. If there is not enough room for your new heat pump water heater, a complete retrofit will be required; which is no big deal for the technicians here at Water Heaters Only, Inc. in San Jose. 

If you are considering a new water heater in San Jose, and have goals of lowering your power bill, and treating the earth with respect, then a heat pump water heater is the right fit for you. Call our knowledgeable staff 24/7 at (408) 279-8899 and they will be able to answer all of your questions and schedule one of our heat pump water heater pros to come to your home and install your new water heater.

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